Rocky Mountain Outfitters


Escape with our guides to a different world - a world that is exhilarating and refreshing - the perfect way to rediscover yourself, visit nature, and renew your senses. All of this under the majestic beauty of the Wasatch Mountains and within a stone's throw of the Salt Lake City, Park City, Heber Valley, and the Sundance area.

Rocky Mountain Outfitters is committed to providing a quality horseback experience for you and your family. We go to great lengths to assure the best trail ride is available for our guests. Whether you're riding your trusty steed along the mountainside to overlook Deer Creek Reservoir and Mount Timpanogus or on horseback ride at Sundance Stables to catch a view of the Stewart Falls you will find the best and most enjoyable ride with a wrangler from Rocky Mountain Outfitters.

Phone Number

(435) 654-1655